Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just Another Thought.

Ok~~ Now there's plenty of hot news around in Malaysia.

Interesting. Who would have thought that the black attempted to pull a move so soon to checkmate the white?

Too many loop holes. Seriously, pull such a cheat and the audience will boo you all the way no matter how much the judge justify your actions.

We had evolved from colonized beings to knowledgeable, educated adults. Finding it hard to control an active audience? There are many way to subdue uprisings instead of blasting people of to every parts of the universe or accusing the audience of making too much noise to make your move and you kick them out.

Better still, ineffective solutions such as blockages will not improve the situation. Damn crap day Monday was. I waited for 2 hours on the road just because you pull one of your stupid stunts. Roadblock. AHA. very effective? No... It was pointless.

So what do you get? More Boos from the audience.

Anymore inappropriate moves, the audience might just walk straight into the gaming area and flip the table over. And there goes your chess pieces, broken into pieces.

Justice shall prevail. It's only a matter of time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yes... I am back

I'm juz as lazy as ever. But I ain't the happiest person to begin my new semester. Why? Let's make this simple...

My exams are down the drain. As they said, no pain, no gain. Oh wait.... even plenty of pain doesn't guarantee you gain.

Next, I got bombarded by a friend in a very crude way. Being straightforward and blunt, fine, accept it. But, I don't need anyone to go to the extent of insulting me because of my flaws. I'm angry... and seriously hurt.

3rdly, I've been thinking to what extent my wrongs of my past can be such a deterrent to see what I am today.

And I think I finally found the type of people that I utterly dislike. Those who give false testimonies about others and those who make assumptions based only on the surface. How much truth you know? How do you know what I am thinking? Be gone...

4thly, I've come to realize that there are so many things I need to change to adapt in such a world. My principles, my values, my mindset.... Thinking that in the bottom of everyone's heart there is still truth/honesty/innocence? Seriously, you can only find 2-3 outta 10. The remaining people are juz plain cheaters.

Someone once said, Be humble among the humble, be proud among the proud. Same concept applies.

Take pride in your values but remember that it will not always be appreciated. Some said that all these values are just showing your weakness, but I think that it can be a very handy weapon when you use it at the right time.

Ai~~ Malas nak layan orang de... Layan dia baik, kena gigit di belakang. Cis~~